Minutes of Board Meeting, 2nd December 2015



December 2, 2015

The Board of Directors of the South Mountain Audubon Society (SMAS) met at the Adams County Agricultural Center and was called to order by President Linette Mansberger at 5:01 P.M.

The other board members present were Deb Siefken, VP; Kathy Gelner, Secretary; Mike Bertram, Treasurer; Nancy Locher, Betsy Griffiths and Cy Deitz, Directors at Large; Committee Chairs, Mike O'Brien, Field Trips, Membership and Newsletter; Cynthia Chambers, Publicity. Member Jon Griffiths also attended the meeting.


The meeting began with the President saying the board would spend 45 minutes to complete editing the updated Constitution.  The board finished the task in 35 minutes. It will be emailed to all members for a preview before the vote to amend.

The President urged that all SMAS members be encouraged to help find speakers.  If we do not have enough speakers, we should consider having an activity instead such as a Big Sit. We should also consider collaborating with York or other nearby societies. Linette will contact York Audubon regarding a combined meeting at times or to invite them to our meetings after March when we will hold meetings on different evenings.


Kathy presented the Secretary’s Report from October 19.  There was one minor correction made.

Resolved that: the minutes from the October 19th board meeting be approved by the board.


Mike Bertram sent the report to the board previously and it stands approved as printed.


Programs: Everything is in train for the next several meetings' speakers. We do not usually have a meeting in February and there is no speaker lined up yet for the March 21 meeting which would be the first held at the new time. Because a number of members will not be able to attend that meeting, the meeting will be held on February 8 instead.

Linette showed a copy of  the form York Society sends to speakers asking for information about their presentations.  She will formulate something similar and put it on the agenda for the next board meeting.


Education:  Betsy will get in touch with Steve Glassman for additional information on the Wildlife Leadership Academy scholarship.

Betsy noted that the Audubon Adventures arrived yesterday, although they were delivered directly to the school instead of to her.  She retrieved them and will deliver them to the correct classes, along with the teachers' edition which came to her.

Field Trips: The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Saturday, December 19. All of last year's participants will receive an invitation asking them to join in again.  Mike O' Brien will host the potluck at his home afterwards. He will also send a form to all members where they will be challenged, as in years past, to pledge to pay a certain amount per bird seen or per species. The fundraiser will support education.

Membership: Mike O'Brien received a letter from Audubon about their new program to show membership which he found very confusing and was missing much information.  He then received another letter that said they realized there are problems with what they had sent and that they are working on fixes and updates.




At the last board meeting we decided to use leftover funds raised during the 2014 CBC to buy more nature books for other school districts. Linette volunteered to look into giving $240 to Upper Adams, to be divided equally among the elementary schools in the district. She contacted the Assistant Superintendent for Upper Adams and asked for a motion to spend the funds. Mike Bertram so moved, Mike O'Brien seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Deb was contacted by Judy Scrip of Wilson College in Chambersburg about a January 30 public forum at the Robyn Van En Center addressing issues associated with confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Nancy moved and Mike Bertram seconded that we should place a notice in our newsletter about the forum.

It was suggested that refreshments should be served at the beginning of the monthly meetings, rather than afterwards when everyone is leaving and trying to put away the tables and chairs. Nancy will bring refreshments for the January 11 meeting.


Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 17 at 5 pm. Among topics to be discussed are finalizing the spring luncheon plans and our participation in the Green Gathering in May.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:28 PM.