New Texas Activity Report
for 24th May 2012

In attendance: Henry Whitesel, Mike Waltz, Cathy Cooper, Kent Wagner

Accomplishments: We started at 0900 and finished about 1430. It was a partly sunny spring day that we enjoyed very much. We performed routine maintenance in Area 19 and L, by clearing invasive small trees and shrubs. We beat back the borders on the North side of Area 19 where the green briar was encroaching onto the barrens area. Small trees were cut and removed from the sites. The small blue stem grass was plentiful and there were several patches of Indian Grass in Area 19. This area is doing very well.

We especially thank our new volunteer Cathy Cooper for donating her time from her busy schedule. With volunteers like Cathy, our organization will get a lot done in preserving this unique Serpentine habitat.

Issues: none

Reporter: Henry Whitesel