Draft Minutes

Friends of the State Line Serpentine Barrens Board Meeting
January 26, 2014

Attending: Bob Gray, Anna Hull, David Ross, Kent Wagner (speaker phone), Henry Whitesel
Next meeting, Friday, February 28, 4:30-6:30 at Henry Whitesel’s

Action Items

Mike Bertram

Contact info and PPFF disclosure sheets to BG before January 29.
Suggest date for May hike at Goat Hill.
Review Strategic Plan with an eye toward creating single sentence Mission statement; aligning goals with mission and current board responsibilities (all Board members have this same task).
Review Master Land Plan / Stewardship Plan Scope  (all Board members have this same task).

Bob Gray

Complete PPFF annual report.
Ask PPFF to include workday schedule on website.
Present 2014 plan and equipment needs and controlled burn idea to TNC; phone call on Feb. 7 at 4:30.
Sound out architect about Serpentine building slide presentation
Ask Molly for TNC planning documents for Chrome and Goat Hill.
Work with Anna to draft a proposal for how an intern could help out in this effort for summer ($ through university? Grant?) or fall (academic credit).
Pursue conference call option with PPFF and TNC
Work with Henry to move our master list of stakeholders with all contact information to electronic form
Complete draft Site Tracker spreadsheet for Chrome based on our comments.
Discuss with David how to approach universities.

Anna Hull
Suggest date for fall ecology hike
Explore availability of space at Lincoln University for Board meetings.
Work with Bob to draft a proposal for how an intern could help out in this effort for summer ($ through university? Grant?) or fall (academic credit).
Take Henry’s worksite plan and coordinate identifying if there are any rare plants there.
Update our handout with spring workdays and distribute to Herrs, OMI and David (for February First Friday).
Review Strategic Plan with an eye toward creating single sentence Mission statement; aligning goals with mission and current board responsibilities.
Review Master Land Plan / Stewardship Plan Scope
Is there any evidence that Scottish highland cattle would be an effective green briar control?

David Ross

Contact info and PPFF disclosure sheets to BG before January 29.
Follow up with Jay Gregg about Chester County planning for Nottingham Park.
Stack of handouts for February First Friday at Oxford Arts Alliance.
Work with Henry to create volunteer contact database
Review Strategic Plan with an eye toward creating single sentence Mission statement; aligning goals with mission and current board responsibilities.
Review Master Land Plan / Stewardship Plan Scope
Discuss with Bob strategies for approaching universities.

Henry Whitesel

Identify OHA program coordinator for Serpentine slide presentation.
Reschedule meeting with Joe Frasetta
Share workday schedule with Patrick Hurley.
Share workday schedule with DeLoitte.
Develop a tentative plan of which sites over the next 6 months will be tackled on the workdays.
Work with Bob to move our master list of stakeholders with all contact information to electronic form
Contact David when obtaining a new volunteer liability form for inclusion in our database.
Review Strategic Plan with an eye toward creating single sentence Mission statement; aligning goals with mission and current board responsibilities.
Review Master Land Plan / Stewardship Plan Scope

Kent Wagner

Contact info and PPFF disclosure sheets to BG before January 29.
Review Strategic Plan with an eye toward creating single sentence Mission statement; aligning goals with mission and current board responsibilities.
Review Master Land Plan / Stewardship Plan Scope

Mike Waltz

Contact info and PPFF disclosure sheets to BG before January 29.
Review Strategic Plan with an eye toward creating single sentence Mission statement; aligning goals with mission and current board responsibilities.
Review Master Land Plan / Stewardship Plan Scope

Agenda Items

0.  Revised and approved the agenda Bob circulated

1. Approved Minutes from Board Meeting of 11/24/2013

2. Reviewed Action Items from 11/24/2013 Board Meeting
a. Present 2014 plan and equipment needs and controlled burn idea to TNC.  (BG)

Follow up phone call on Feb. 7 at 4:30

TNC has concerns about doing controlled burns here; we believe this needs to be an integral part of a management strategy for the ecosystem

b. Establish Botanical / ecology and historical hike / presentation dates. (AH and MB)

Lead hikes:      Spring Flowers, May (Responsibility: Mike Bertram)
Mining History, Sept/Oct (Responsibility: Mike Bertram)
Ecology, Fall (Responsibility: Anna Hull)

Ask each person to suggest a date.

c. Approach universities about developing master plan (BG, DR)

Will do after scope of work is approved.    Bob and David might meet with each as a team.

Kent :  Horseshoe Trail used consulted with LaSalle University’s Nonprofit Center  (http://www.lasallenonprofitcenter.org/) and Hopewell Big Woods (http://www.hopewellbigwoods.org/) in developing its strategic plan.

d. Seek previous strategic plan docs for Chrome, Goat Hill from TNC (BG), and for Goat Hill from DCNR (HW).

Bob has read DCNR Goat Hill plan; will call Molly to obtain TNC documents.   David will follow up with Jay Gregg for Nottingham County Park.

e. Set up annual review meetings / discussions with Jay, Joe and Hannums (HW):

Jay  -- done

Joe  -- rescheduled

Hannums – lets wait until we have a broader agenda

f. Contact: Vernon Ringler (Oxford Historical Society) re hikes, outreach. (HW)

Vernon is no longer the Program guy for OHA.    Vernon is concerned about the age of the persons in OHA; hike to mining sites too much for them.   We agreed that  slide presentation on history and Serpentine buildings would be better
Bob knows an architect who would be good (if he’ll do it gratis).

Henry will get the name of the new OHA program person

 g. Contact Patrick Hurley at Ursinus College about strategic plan idea (HW)

HW contact Patrick about workdays; we will wait to discuss partnership  with the Strategic Plan,

h. Obtain PPFF annual report templates (HW, BG)


i. Explore Grant opportunities: Ware Foundation, DCNR, Herrs (2014) (BG, AH)

We need to have a brainstorming effort on how we put funding requests together.   Fund a planning study for how to structure the master plan?    What is our pitch?    Our funding needs will be different depending on whether we find universities willing to take this on gratis.   Much more expensive if we need a professional planner like Roger Latham.   We need to cost this out.   

We could ask PPFF to host grant application planning/writing workshop

Could seek out one or two interns to start assembling reports, old photographs, other resource material.   

Bob and Anna will play around with how an intern could help out in this effort for summer ($ through university? Grant?) or fall (academic credit).

Henry recalled that FSLSB had one University of Maryland intern for controlled burn at Pilot; a second intern pulled out at last moment.

j. Schedule spring 2014 workdays (HW) and Board Meetings (BG)

Kent verified that work days are published on TNC site.   Bob will follow up with PPFF.

Henry will do a tentative plan of which sites over the next 6 months will be tackled on the workdays – then Anna will try to coordinate identifying if there are any rare plants there.

k. Begin to explore outreach materials to attract volunteers to workdays (AH)

Anna will update our handout with spring workdays and distribute to Herrs, OMI and David (for February First Friday).

David – stack of handouts for First Friday at Oxford Arts Alliance.

Henry – will send the list of workdays to DeLoitte.


3. Status of Annual Report preparation for PPFF.

Bob and Henry are finishing last few details

Henry, David and Kent agreed to send Bob contact and disclosure statements before Wednesday.

4. Approve schedule for future board meetings for the 4th Friday of each month:            

For at least the next year, while we try to expand the number of volunteers, monthly Board meetings seem sensible, since much of our work is accomplished as a committee of the whole.

Bob to pursue conference call option with PPFF and TNC

Meetings will run 4:30- 6:30.  

Fri 2/28   -- at Henry’s house
Fri 3/28  -- Anna will see if we can use Lincoln University
Fri 4/25
Fri 5/23   -- Lincoln University or Anna’s house
Fri 6/27 

5. Admin – contact lists: Board members, stakeholders, volunteers 

Move our master list of stakeholders with all contact information to electronic form (HW and Bob)

Volunteers we have on email list; would be helpful to get cell phone numbers
David agreed to keep the database;   Henry will loan David liability forms new volunteers fill out after each workday/hike.

Kent maintains the volunteer database for Horseshoe

6. Approved 2014 Objectives circulated by Bob before the meeting.

7. Determine / confirm Board member “Leads” for 2014:

The idea is that the lead reports in on each of these activities at each Board meeting.

            a. Conservation / maintenance: Henry

            b. Science: Anna

c. History: Mike B.

            d. Education: Anna

            e. Recreation / trails: Kent – making sure that someone is taking care of our trails

            f. Membership / outreach: Anna

g. Administration: David

h. Strategic Plan: Bob

8. Review status of Site Tracker Spreadsheet

Bob shared a first draft of a data base system for tracking the status of each site on each property.   The goal is to identify the last time a site was assessed, its current and desired state, when last maintained and immediate priorities.   This will guide Henry in scheduling and designing workdays.
We agreed to have a separate Excel file for each property and maintain separate sheets for each year (pasting and editing the information from one year to the next) to maintain the historical record.   Mike Bertram’s careful accounting of past activity gives us a great starting point.    The database site identifiers match our GIS maps.   We will explore including url’s to photos collected at each site.

Next step:  Bob to complete his draft spreadsheet for Chrome

9. Discuss Strategic Plan Draft - revisions, further discussion, approval, etc.

Can we get the Mission Statement down to 1 sentence?

We will all read this one more time.

10. Review and approve Master Land Plan / Stewardship Plan Scope for discussion with universities and consultants (if time permits)

Postponed to February

11. Greenbriar

Henry’s dinner companions suggested  Scottish highland cattle are likely to do a better job clearing green briar than goats or deer.   Anna will see if she can verify.

12. Adjourned at 6:00 with thanks to Henry for hosting and congratulations to Bob for guiding us through the agenda.