Chrome Activity Report for 6th September 2013

Title: Report for Habitat Restoration Day for Friends of SLSB at the Upper Chrome Barrens, Friday 6 September 2013

Attending: Kent Wagner, Kitty Rapalyea, Sam Miller,  Rocky Gleason, Bob Barker, Ruth Galantino, Bob Gray, Mike Bertram, and the AmeriCorps team

Accomplishments: The volunteers were split into two teams.  One team worked with Kent on the Chrome trails while the other group cleared the northeast grasslands.  The photos below show the state of the grasslands at the end of the day.

Green Briar

Green Briar

Green Briar

Green Briar


Issues: it would be good to have another effort to complete the clearing of the NE grasslands in the not too distant future.  Some of the pines were too big to be pulled and were cut down.  I expect them to resprout.

Reporter: Mike Bertram