Chrome Activity Report for 5th October 2014

Title: Workday Report FSLSB Chrome Barrens 5 October 2014 

Attending: Henry Whitesel, Rocky Gleason, Kent Wagner, and Chris Hoess

Location: Upper Chrome Serpentine Barrens; Serpentine areas in the northeast corner. 

Working Conditions:

It was a beautiful fall day; mostly sunny. We walked out to the northeast corner of Upper Chrome. We had trimmed up this clearing in the late spring and it had grown up considerably as evidenced by the first picture I have attached. We set to work with 2 brush whackers, loppers and a chainsaw. By 1:30 or so the clearing looked a lot cleaner. It is substantially easier when we cut the invasive brush before it gets large.

Thanks to Chris Hoess and Rocky Gleason for coming out to help. And thanks to Kent for coming out too. Kent is one of our old dependables that has not been able to make it out a lot this summer. 

Volunteer time donated: 20 hours. 

Reporter: Henry Whitesel

View before clearing; Photographer: Henry Whitesel

Chris Hoess, Rocky Gleason, and Kent Wagner on grassland after clearing; Photographer: Henry Whitesel