Chrome Activity Report for 5th April 2014

Title: Workday Report FSLSB Chrome Barrens 5 April 2014 

Attending: Henry Whitesel, Kent Wagner, Anna Hull, Nora Hull, Chris Hull, Alain Kaldewaay, and Craig Cohen

Location:Upper Chrome Serpentine Barrens; Serpentine areas in the northeast corner. 

Accomplishments: We started at 0900 and ended at 1400 and we all had a great time working in the outdoors. It was chilly but sunny. 

We cut green briar, invasive small trees, and other brush with loppers and brush whackers; we also pulled the smaller red maples, cedars, pines, and Russian olives with weed wrenches. Kent and Chris operated the brush whackers. Henry used his chain saw. Nora, Anna, Chris, Alain, and Craig used loppers and weed wrenches.  See attached pictures and separate email following of more pictures. You can see that the warm season grasses are still very healthy is some places.

I give a very special thank you to Nora Hull; she is quite young but pitched in with great enthusiasm and cheerfulness. See pictures below of Nora cutting green briar with loppers and pulling a cedar tree with a weed wrench.

I also give a special thank you to Alain Kaldewaay for joining us volunteers for the first time. He very generously gave his time on a Saturday, his normal day off from work.

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Kent Wagner cutting invasives

Henry Whitesel cutting invasives

Nora Hull cutting green briar

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Nora Hull pulling a cedar tree;
Chris Hull watching over his daughter;
Craig Cohen and Alain Kaldewaay in background.

Anna Hull cutting green briar

Total person time worked:  35 person-hours


Reporter: Henry Whitesel