Chrome Activity Report for 2nd May 2014

Title: Workday Report FSLSB Chrome Barrens 2 May 2014 

Attending: Henry Whitesel, Kent Wagner, Mike Waltz, Craig Cohen, and Sam Miller

Location:Upper Chrome Serpentine Barrens; Serpentine areas in the northeast corner. 

Accomplishments: We started at 0900 and ended at 1400 and we all had a great time working in the outdoors. It was a very nice day with sun much of the time and warm but not hot. Just right for working outside. 

We cut green briar, invasive small trees, and other brush with loppers and brush whackers. Kent and Henry operated the brush whackers. Mike used his chain saw. Craig and Sam used loppers and dragged the debris into the forest off the serpentine site. Some of the vegetation in the pictures are serpentine grasses and some are green briar stubs. We will need to cut the greenbriar again later this year or early next year. 

Total person time worked:  35  person-hours

05-02-14 05-02-14

Kent Wagner, Sam Miller, Craig Cohen, and Mike Waltz

Total person time worked:  70 person-hours


Reporter: Henry Whitesel