Chrome Activity Report for 15th November 2015

Title: November 15, 2015 Stewardship Day notes at Lower Chrome

Location: Lower Chrome Serpentine Barrens.

Attendees: In addition to Molly:  Chris Hoess, Tracy Raymond, Bill Whittaker, Rodney Stark, Patsy Koning, Rocky Gleason & Tony Davis


Molly Anderson reports: The group met in the main parking lot of Upper Chrome at 9:00 a.m. and then shuttled over to the grassland at Lower Chrome via the gate off Barren Road. We were back in the parking at the end of the workday by 1:20 p.m.

I met with Bob Folk at his home prior to the workday. We discussed his assistance in mowing the restored grassland areas at Lower and Upper Chrome in lieu of payment for the fields he leases at the preserve.He also stopped by the grassland area when we were working to assess the area as well. From the visit he feels as though he will be able to mow the large western grasslands as well as Grassland #5 (not sure if this is the correct #) in the eastern section at Lower Chrome. We spent our time clearing the brush between Grassland #9 & #14 in our effort to combine these two areas.Most of what was cut was greenbriar but some small trees were lopped/cut with the stumps sprayed with herbicide.  Only 5 oz. of herbicide was needed.  There is some thick brush (wall of greenbriar), ½ dozen small trees and one large cedar tree left in this area.

Molly and George Gress are scheduled to head back out to this area on Wednesday, November 24th to finish clearing the area with a chainsaw and brush mower as well as use a probe to determine soil depths throughout the area.  There are a few issues we need to discuss/consider before we initiate a spring mowing regime here: There are several tall stumps still left in this combined area that would need to be cut to the ground before Bob Folk could mow the area this spring.

One thing we need to consider/discuss is if we should scrape sections of this newly created large area if the soil depths indicate the need to do so.  If so, we would then hold off on cutting the stumps to ground level in some areas. 

Reporter: Molly Anderson