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Indian Leaves His Bed and Is Found in Driveway.

Wayne, Pa., July 23 - Leaving his bed and walking in his sleep, Albert Provinca, aged 17 years, went out of the third-story window of the Indian school dormitory, about one and one-half miles north of Wayne, and plunged to the driveway, where searchers later found him in the dark, about midnight Tuesday night, bruised and bleeding, and with an ankle broken.

He is expected to recover, and that he was not killed by the accident is doubtless due to the fact that his fall to earth was broken by his first landing upon the edge of the roof of the second story.

The Wayne Indian school is the summer home of the students of the Lincoln Institute and Educational Home, at No. 324 South Eleventh street, Philadelphia, supported by private subscriptions.

Notes and References

Courtesy of the Harrisburg Daily Independent 1908-7-23.