Four inns were located in Tredyffrin Township in the 18th century. There were other inns in nearby townships that also would have served the Tredyffrin community.
The ownership and licensees of the inns is difficult to pin down throughout their lifespan due to missing deeds and incomplete court records of license applications.
An overview of all the inns is given in the articles Early Inns and Taverns by Grace Winthrop, TEHQ, vol. 25, #3 (July 1987) and Inns & Taverns by Beth Arnold (TEHQ, vol. 44, #1/2 (Spring/Summer 2007)).
An earlier article with some information on these inns is Meg Daly Twadell’s Tales of Local Taverns TEHQ, vol. 23, #2 (April 1985).
Links and references to these articles and other references are given in the details for each inn (Note: TEHQ stands for Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society Quarterly).
For information about an inn click on its icon.