Minutes of Board Meeting, 4th May 2015


The Board of Directors of the South Mountain Audubon Society (SMAS) met at the Adams County Agricultural Center and was called to order by President Linette Mansberger at 4 P.M.


Linette talked to Hanover Home and Garden about a program where they would donate a percentage of bird seed sales to Society members to the Society. They are considering the proposal but have not yet committed.

Kathy presented the Secretary’s Report for February 23, 2015. Nancy suggested a minor change to the minutes.


The CDs were funds set aside for "education" and Betsy suggested that we consider using some of the money for a scholarship. She is willing to head up a Scholarship Committee to look into this.


Bob Brandt is in Arizona but has programs planned through March. Linette stated that she will check with someone she knows, Kelsey Frey, to see if she can give a presentation on reptiles for the May children's program, paid for with CBC donations.

Cindy said that she has had problems getting publicity for our programs and walks in The Merchandiser, but will continue submitting the information to them.

Membership: According to information from national Audubon, there are currently 240 members in the SMAS area.

SMAS Constitution Update: Linette will send Board Members copies of the SMAS Constitution with updates from 2003. She will highlight sections that appear to be incomplete or are not presently being followed. When we receive the copies, Linette would like the Board to look over the documents and let her know by early July any ideas about changes. Recommendations

Annual Picnic: The annual picnic will be hosted by Mike Bertram and Kathy King. When Mike and Kathy decide on a date, Mike will send out an e-mail invitation to SMAS members. Arrangements for the picnic will be discussed further at the next board meeting

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.



Respectfully submitted,


Kathryn L. Gelner