Minutes of Board Meeting, 20th July 2015



July 20, 2015 


The Board of Directors of the South Mountain Audubon Society (SMAS) met at the Adams County Agricultural Center and was called to order by President Linette Mansberger at 4:07 P.M. 

The other board members present were Deb Siefken, VP; Kathy Gelner, Secretary; Mike Bertram, Treasurer; Nancy Locher, Director at Large; Committee Chairs, Mike O'Brien, Field Trips, Membership, and Newsletter; Cynthia Chambers, Publicity; Bob Brandt, Programs; and Carole Simon, Education and Conservation. 



Meeting time change: It was agreed that to avoid conflict with other local Audubon Societies, SMAS meetings would be the third Monday of each month, instead of the current second Monday. This suggested change will be published in the August newsletter to see if any members object. The new time would not go into effect for the first time until March, 2016. 

Constitution changes:  Linette sent Board Members copies of the SMAS Constitution with updates from 2003.  She highlighted sections that appear to be incomplete or are not presently being followed. Bob, Kathy, and Linette and will work on updating the Constitution at the beginning of October. Some general questions we discussed-  

Should we drop the current "lawyerese" and keep it simpler? Not necessarily. 

What about the current wording that local members must also belong to the national organization?  Everyone agreed that we should drop that and allow members to hold local membership only. 

Change wording to say "e-mail" whenever it states that notices must be sent via U.S. mail. 

Currently it states that all board meetings must be scheduled in January for the rest of the year.  It was agreed that should be dropped. 

For duties of the Secretary, drop notification of members requirement. 

Drop the language that states there must be five members on each committee.  


Annual picnic: The picnic will be on August 4 at 5 pm at Mike and Kathy's home.  Mike will send another e-mailed reminder.  Guests should bring drinks, food, and plates. 

Ruffed Grouse: Mike has heard nothing new. 

Vern Gauthier e-mail:  He would like to get information from all local Audubon clubs on one site, including speakers at upcoming meetings and information for young birders. 



Kathy presented the Secretary’s Report for May 4.  There were no changes. 

Resolved that: the minutes from the May 4th board meeting be approved by the board.  



Mike Bertram stated that the Society had a good year and ended with an extra $600. Mike is going to see if we can get a better rate of return on our funds and will report back to us what he finds.  Carole moved and Cindi seconded approval of the 2015-2016 proposed budget.    



Programs: Bob Brandt said that speakers are set up through February so March would be a good time to change the meeting day, assuming we decide to do that. 

Publicity: Cindy said that she plans to submit SMAS  information to Gettysburg Companion. 

Field Trips: Mike said that it is too hot for any right now! He plans to schedule some in the future in time to get them into the next newsletter.  The Hawk Watch will probably be the next event and members' favorite walks will begin again in September. One possible venue is Ned Smith Center in Millersburg. 

Membership: No change: according to information from national Audubon, there are currently 240 members in the SMAS area. 

Education and Conservation: Carole Simon announced that she wants to resign from being Education chair.  Linette suggested that she be a director at large - we still have one of four openings on the Board in that position.   

Carole said that there will be a Green Gathering in spring of 2016 and SMAS could have a table there to inform people of its existence. 

Carole stated that she has four "Important Bird Area" signs that could be posted. 

Hospitality: Cindy in September; Linette in October. 



Becky Stabler: Becky has asked that SMAS support her upcoming tour(s). Deb moved and Mike B. seconded that SMAS will agree to publicize the tours to members and on its website, but accept no financial responsility for tours that are not fully booked. 

Wildlife Leadership Academy:  Mike Bertram led a discussion about the Academy, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Institute for Conservation Education. It is for high school students. He suggested that SMAS award a scholarship to pay for half the $500 tuition cost. The Academy not only builds environmental knowledge, but fosters leadership skills.  One advantage for students is that the Academy will write letters of recommendation for college applications. The decision to support this was tabled until the next board meeting. 

Audubon Adventures: Linette has two sets of the publication which could be divided between school libraries and the public library.  Carole and Linette will call libraries to see if they are interested. Cindy moved and Carole seconded that, if popular, we will purchase two sets at $55 each.  The motion will be held for the next board meeting. 

Carole's Role: It was passed unanimously that Carole's resignation as Education chair be accepted and that she become a Director at large instead. Now we have an opening for the Education chair. 

Members' Favorite Birdwalk: September at the Amphitheater. Deb will send out a notification. 

Next Board Meeting: Monday, October 19, 4 pm.   

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Kathryn L. Gelner