Minutes of Board Meeting, 19th October 2015



October 19, 2015


The Board of Directors of the South Mountain Audubon Society (SMAS) met at the Adams County Agricultural Center and was called to order by President Linette Mansberger at 5:06 P.M. [The meeting began later than usual because the board attended an exhibit at the Musselman Library first.]

The other board members present were Deb Siefken, VP; Kathy Gelner, Secretary; Mike Bertram, Treasurer; Nancy Locher, Betsy Griffiths, Carole Simon, and Cy Deitz, Directors at Large; Committee Chairs, Mike O'Brien, Field Trips, Membership, and Newsletter. Member Jon Griffiths attended part of the meeting.


Linette and Deb attended the Audubon Fall Gathering at Wildwood last weekend. The state is looking at state forests and accepting public comments. It would be helpful to write something about their importance to us.


Officers for 2016: everyone but Bob Brandt will continue in their current positions. Bob has said that he is not in the Gettysburg area enough to be able to continue setting up programs and getting speakers. Betsy may take over education. The nominating committee consists of Deb and Mike Bertram.



Audubon Adventures: These have been distributed to Lincoln Elementary and Gettysburg Library. All three third grades at the school will receive three issues a year.

Green Gathering: This will be held in May 2016 at the Ag Center. SMAS will have a table and will possibly sell something such as shade-grown coffee.

Constitution changes: Fifteen minutes was designated for discussion of the suggested changes.



Kathy presented the Secretary’s Report for July 20. There were no changes.

Resolved that: the minutes from the July 20th board meeting be approved by the board.




The treasurer's report stands approved as printed. Mike Bertram stated that he wants to move the funds currently in CDs to a three-year CD that has an option that allows the funds to be moved if the interest rate goes up markedly. Kathy moved and Deb seconded that Mike should move the funds. It was approved unanimously by the board.



Programs: Everything is in train for the next several meetings' speakers. There is no speaker yet for the March 21 meeting which will be the first held at the new time.

It was noted that the May meeting will be at 7 pm, held early because it will be a program with reptiles for the children.

Field Trips: Mike said that the Blackwater field trip will be on November 21, the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Membership: Little change according to information from national Audubon. There are currently 237 members in the SMAS area. [Later e-mails between board members revealed that the so-called SMAS area as defined by national Audubon covers some distant areas that are unlikely to draw anyone to meetings.]

Education and Conservation: In July Mike Bertram led a discussion about the Wildlife Leadership Academy which is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Institute for Conservation Education for high school students. He suggested that SMAS award a scholarship to pay for half the $500 tuition cost. The Academy not only builds environmental knowledge, but fosters leadership skills. One advantage for students is that the Academy will write letters of recommendation for college applications. The decision to support this was tabled until the next board meeting. Mike said that since then he put this into the annual budget. Steve Glassman, a teacher of environmental science at Gettysburg High School will work with SMAS on this. Kathy moved that SMAS pay half of the tuition. Mike O'Brien seconded. Betsy will follow up with Mike O'B's help. They will probably set up a 3-4 member committee to vet applications and choose applicants. The board passed this unanimously.

Carole moved that SMAS buy three sets of Audubon Adventures for Lincoln Elementary. Nancy seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Betsy will order and deliver them to the schools and library. Linette will contact the schools.

Hospitality: Kathy in November



Christmas Bird Count: This fundraiser will be set up the same as it has been the past two years. Solicitation will mention on what the funds will be spent. Deb moved, Bob seconded, and it passed unanimously.

Leftover funds raised during the last CBC will be used to buy more nature books for different school districts. Linette will look into giving $240 to Upper Adams district. The money will be divided equally among the elementary schools in the district. Deb moved, Mike O'B seconded, and it passed unanimously.

Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, December 2, at 5 pm.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.