Friends of the SLSB Activity Report
for Thursday 30 June 2011

In attendance: Ashley and Vince Bruno, Emery Abdel-Latif, Ruth Gallantino, Bob Barker, Kent Wagner, Mike Waltz, Henry and Cindy Whitesel

Accomplishments: Location: north side of Goat Hill, in grasslands marked i and j: Map. The sawyers cleared Eastern Red Cedar and Pitch Pine, while the draggers moved the wood off the grasslands into the woods. We saw plenty of little blue stem, but also noted areas where the grasses were trying to make a comeback. With more sunshine, this should happen. We may mark this area for some seed dispersal next year.

Issues: none

Plenty of wildflowers: Wild Indigo, Sundrops, Depford Pinks, Bluets, Nuttall's Lobelia, Rock Cress, Heal All, Ragwort, Carrion Smilax.

Reporter: Cindy Whitesel