Friends of the SLSB Activity Report
for Thursday 31 May 2012

Attending: Henry Whitesel, Mike Waltz, Kent Wagner.

Location: Goat Hill Serpentine Barrens on second scraped area. This is the first scraped area on the left when going into the barrens past Harbaugh's house, proceeding West. We only worked on land belonging to The Nature Conservancy.

Accomplishments: We started at 0900 and finished about 1430.

We worked along The Rose Trail in the serpentine site labled "q" located between sites "h" and "c": Map. We cleared trees and green briar to create a serpentine savanna. After 2 workdays at this site, we are about half done clearing it. The warm season grasses already have a great start and should thrive as the summer progresses. This is a gentle sloping area with an eastern exposure and one that should be a great example of restoring serpentine habitat.

Reporter: Henry Whitesel