New Texas Activity Report
for 22nd May 2004

In attendance: Jim Dudley, Mike Waltz, Ruth Galantino, Tim Draude, Kevin Mock, Brett Transue, Janine Confer, Kevin Weir, Peter Brown, Mike Bertram

Accomplishments: Cut and dragged in grassland V. We had 5 sawyers working, but sterling work by the draggers (especially the Kevins) meant that we did not leave as much cut trees on the ground as I was expecting.

Issues: I talked to Tim Draude about the Goat Hill powerline clearing. He was there when they were clearing and they were planning to herbicide. They were using some non-specific herbicide (Pickrin?). Tim tried to persuade them to only herbicide the stumps and woody plants. He does not know if he was successful.

This seems to be a very good year for Blue-eyed grass.

Reporter: Mike Bertram