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A Water Tower near Berwyn

image not foundDescription: Roger: This image shows a farmer plowing land behind a mule. On the back of the card in refers to the water tower. On the horizon appears a tall vertical shaft which may be a smokestack, suggesting the building could be a nursery. Herb is suggesting that we may be looking at a nursery that were prevalent on any large estate. There is the remains of a nursery at the Philander Knox Estate at Valley Forge Park. That was a fairly common feature on large homes where you would grow plants. Lucy Sampson calls this “a scene near Berwyn”, not necessarily in Berwyn. Herb: The only thing we are sure of is a lot of chickens and an elevated water tower, and you typically put a water tower on the highest piece of topography. That’s all the clues we have.
Photographer/artist: Lucy Sampson Date taken: Photo location:
Type: postcard Subject: View Township:
Source: Herb and Barbara Fry CollectionReferences: Contributor: Digitized by Roger Thorne
Rights: Owned by Herb FryIdentifier: BE79Serial Number: 1472
Donation: Herb and Barbara Fry collection (#2)