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Orphans’ Court Sale of valuable Real Estate |
PURSUANT to an alias order of the Orphan’s Court of Chester County, will be sold at public sale, on THURSDAY, February 2nd 1860 on Lot No. 1, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Jonathan Jones, deceased to wit: Lot No. 1 - A messuage, plantation and tract of land, situated in the township of Tredyffrin, in said county, bounded by lands of Jacob Rickabaugh, George Clemens, James Sloan, Conrad Acker, and others containing NINETY-THREE ACRES, more or less with the appurentances. The improvements consist of a LARGE STONE MANSION, with four rooms and entry on the first floor, five on the second floor, with ceiled garett, and cellar under the whole house; a large STONE BARN, Stone Wagon House, stone Spring House over a never-failing spring, Ice House, Corncrib, Carriage House, and other necessary out-buildings. The land is in a good state of cultivation, and is divide dingo ten fields, with good fences. The Cedar Hollow Railroad passes along the west side of the farm, by which lime can be had at any time upon reasonable terms. A young Apple Orchard, Cherry, Pear, and other fruit trees are growing finely on the premises. Lot No. 2 - A WOOD LOT containing seven acres and sixty-four perches of fine Oak and Hickory Timber. Lot No. 3 - Also a WOOD LOT, containing eight acres and thirty perches of Chestnut Timber. Lot No. 4 - Also a WOOD LOT containing seven acres and eighty-four perches of Chestnut Timber, and Lot No. 5 - Another WOOD LOT, containing six acres and one hundred and fifty perches of Oak and Hickory Timber. The above lots of woodland are situated in the same township with the farm, and about ¾ mile from the same and 1½ miles from Chester Valley Railroad. Persons wishing to see the respective properties will please call on the subscriber, residing on Lot No. 1. Sale to commence at one o’clock p.m., when conditions will be known by Samuel Jones, Trustee. Democratic Chronicle, Jan. 10, 1860 |