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Orphans’ Court Sale of Real Estate |
PURSUANT to an plurious order of the Orphan’s Court of Chester County, will be sold at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, the 29th day of February, inst., on the premises, in Tredyffrin township, Four adjoining Wood lots, late the property of Jonathan Jones, dec’d, and bounded by lands of James Sloan,Joseph Davis, Edward Schofield and others. The first consists of Oak and Hickory Timber, and contains seven acres and sixty-four perches. The second consist of Chestnut Timber, and contains eight acres and thirty perches. The third consists of Chestnut Timber also, and contains seven acres and eighty-four perches; and the fourth consists of Oak and Hickory Timber, and contains six acres and one hundred and fifty perches. These lots are situated 1½ miles from Chester Valley Railroad, and the timber on them is of an excellent quality. Persons wishing to see the same will please call on the subscriber, residing about ¾ mile distant. Sale to commence at 10 1/2 o’clock a.m., when conditions will be known by Samuel Jones, Trustee. Personal Property Also, on the same day, and after the above sale, the following articles of Personal Property will be sold at Public Sale, at the late residence of Jonathan Jones, dec’d, in said township of Tredyffrin to wit: THREE HORSES, one of them is a good leader, 18 COWS, one bull, 2 years old, 1 yoke of Oxen, 5 Shoats, Threshing Machine, Windmill, Cutting Box, Feed Chest, Hay Fork with fixtures, 3 sets single harness, 2 sets quilters, 2 sets lead gears, saddles, bridles, collars, bling and head halters, 2 farm wagons, market wagon, 2 carts, hay ladders, riding carriage, york wagon, buffalo robe, combined mower and reaper, two ploughs, 3 spike and 3 hoe harrows; post spade, shovel, pick, crowbar, 2 sleighs, patent horse-rake, hay and straw by the ton. Dairy fixtures: Large churn with horse power, two smaller ones, butter tubs, Coolers, milk pans, butter workers, scales, with all other necessary dairy fixtures. Household and Kitchen Furniture: Beds, bedspreads, tables,chairs, carpet by the yard, 5 stoves, empty hogsheads, barrels, 30 grain bags, eight day clock, potatoes by the bushel, 150 hewed posts, 50 sawed ones, 200 rails, lot of lumber, grain in the ground, besides many other article too tedious to mention. Sale to commence 12 o’clock, noon. Conditions at sale. Joanna Jones, Administratrix. American Republican, Feb. 7, 1860 |