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Valuable Real Estate at Public Sale |
Will be sold on Thursday, the 28th day of November, at one o’clock, P. M., on the premises, the following well known property, situated in Tredyffrin township, Ches co. Pa. Viz: No. 1 A first rate VALLEY FARM, or tract of land, containing 138 ACRES, 88 perches, lying on the public road leading from Paoli to Phoenixville, about half a mile north of Paoli, and bounded by lands of Joshua Evans, Robt. T. Evans, Abner Cornog and others. The improvements are a large and commodious 2 story stone DWELLING HOUSE, having 4 rooms and 2 halls upon the first floor, with the upper stories judiciously divided, with a stone kitchen attached, in which there is a fountain pump of spring water, near which are spring, smoke and carriage houses; a large stone BARN, with straw and other sheds, This property is in a pleasant neighborhood, near public improvements and contiguous to places of public worship, schools and mills, and possesses advantages that are rarely presented to the public. No. 2 A tract adjoining No. 1, of 12 acres 109 perches of the best quality land, on which is a Tannery, containing 21 lay-away vats, 4 latches, 6 handlers, 3 bates, 2 limes, and a pool supplied by a fountain of spring water, a Tan House, composed of a currying shop, drying room, grinding room, and a space sufficiently large to contain near 200 cords of bark; a large Beam House and spring house all of stone; a frame stable and other out buildings. There are also belonging to this tract, 4 acres 125 perches of good woodland adjoining No. 1. No. 3 The Black Bear tavern and farm, situated on the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, No. 4 Is a tavern and tract of land known as the Franklin House, situate on the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike at the 18 milestone, having the Philadelphia and Columbia Railway in the rear,) adjoining No. 3, and lands of Joshua Evans, and others, containing 16 acres 63 perches, on which is erected a highly finished stone tavern house, 36 by 50 ft. with a kitchen 23 by 26 ft. attached, with 4 rooms and a spacious hall upon the 1st floor, 5 on the second, garret divided into 4 apartments, all lathed and plastered, the kitchen is also divided into 2 rooms on the second floor, a garret lathed and plastered; the first and 3rd floors are counterceded, and a piazza passes round three sides of the building - a smoke, wash, and ice house, a large stone barn, part of which is finished as a livery stable, a wagon and carriage house, a range of stone sheds nearly new and well located - a stone spring house over a never failing spring; two frame tenant houses a frame stable - all the above buildings are finished in a very superior style, and at great expense, nothing having been left undone to add convenience and comfort. There is a pump at the kitchen and one at the front door whence water is conveyed into the barn yard. The land is highly cultivated, well divided and enclosed by a new substantial post fence of chestnut rails, an orchard of choice fruit trees has just been planted, the property is watered by a never failing stream; belonging to these premises is a tract of 4 acres 2 perches of excellent woodland, about 3/4 of a mile distant, and adjoining lot No. 1. The property is much enhanced in value by the Philadelphia and Columbia Railway passing through; affording facilities to Philadelphia several times each day, also to West Chester, Lancaster, Columbia and Harrisburg. A turnout has been made for the use of the public, and a warehouse erected in which the turnout terminates. The Canal Commissioners also have within a few years, established a water station for the use of the Locomotives on the road. Its peculiar situation presents to private gentlemen, greater inducements than any other seat in the neighborhood, being sufficiently distant from either road, to admit a handsome garden, and ensure as much privacy as could be desired; at the same time permitting if desired constant access to the public. The building has more of the appearance of a private, than public house. Also, on Saturday the 30th November, at 2 o’clock, P. M. at the Valley Forge Hotel, a lot of WOODLAND, situated in the township of Schuylkill, bounded by lands of Thos. Walker dec. Samuel H. Davis, and others, containing FIVE ACRES, more or less. References can be made to Col. I. Wayne, Robt. T. Evans, Esq., Philadelphia, David McConkee, West Chester, Lewis Watson Howellville, Ches. Co., Randal Evans, on the premises, or to the subscriber. THOMAS ERVIN, Assignees of Randal Evans, Nov. 5 N.B all persons having claims against the said Randal Evans, will please to present them immediately to either of the above named subscribers. American Republican 11/12/1839 ![]() |