Document Collection

Will be Sold

On Saturday the 7th December next, on the premises, at one o’clock pm about 40 acres of


in lots of two to five acres each. This property situate on the Baptist Road, and once owned by Benjamin Brown, has too long arrested the admiring eye of the public to need a particular description here - it is sufficient to say, it stands unrivaled in this neighborhood, as to quality of timber or quantity per acre.


Will be sold on the same day, that noted TAVERN, sign of the


Situate on the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike, near the 15 milestone, and now kept by John Lewis, connecting therewith about one hundred acres of land, 20 of heavy timber. It’s public situation - the house large and convenient - extensive sheds - livery stable - stone barn - smithshop and several dwelling houses for mechanics, constitute but parts of its advantages:- the fact is, it is well worth the attention of any man inclined to tavernkeeping, and who would choose to settle on a property where all further expense of building is unnecessary. Purchasers meet at John Lewis’s - conditions which will be easy, made known on day of sale by

John H. Davis
November 18, 1816

American Republican 11/26/1816

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