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The Subscriber offers at Private Sale, his Tavern, situate in the Great Valley, Tredyffrin township, Chester county - adjoining lands of Jacob Detwiler, John James, John Workizer, (late Howells) and others, containing One Hundred and Twenty acres; there is on said land a good limestone and marble quarry, lime kiln, and about 30 acres of good Timber. The improvements are a large stone House, Barn, stone Wagon house, and other out buildings, two apple orchards and other fruit-trees, two excellent springs with stone houses above the same, now occupied as tenements. The above property is handsomely situated on a public road, well worth the attention of any person wishing to embark in the line, and farming business, the land being of good quality.

Wm. Hall

Sept. 15, 1830

Village Record 9/15/1830

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