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The Subscriber offers at Private Sale, his Tavern, situate in the Great Valley, Tredyffrin township, Chester county - adjoining lands of Jacob Detwiler, John James, John Workizer, (late Howells) and others, containing One Hundred and Twenty acres; there is on said land a good limestone and marble quarry, lime kiln, and about 30 acres of good Timber. The improvements are a large stone House, Barn, stone Wagon house, and other out buildings, two apple orchards and other fruit-trees, two excellent springs with stone houses above the same, now occupied as tenements. The above property is handsomely situated on a public road, well worth the attention of any person wishing to embark in the line, and farming business, the land being of good quality. Sept. 15, 1830 Village Record 9/15/1830 |