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Valuable Real Estate at
To be sold on the premises, on Thursday, the 11th October next, at one o’clock, p.m. all the following valuable Real Estate, viz: All that well known and extensive establishment, The Spread Eagle TavernWith 105 acres of well improved land, situate in Radnor township, Delaware county, Pa. about 14 miles west of Philadelphia, on the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road. The improvements are a large STONE TAVERN HOUSE, 80 feet front, by 36 feet deep, three stories high, cellar under the whole; large two story stone kitchen adjoining the same; wash house, wood, cider and ice house; large barn, livery stable, two rows of extensive shedding, all of which are of stone, large frame hay house, two stone and one frame tenant houses, stone smithshop, coach maker’s shop &c. there are three wells of good water on the premises, with pumps in them, a stream of water runs through the farm, the land is divided into convenient fields, about 10 acres of Apple Orchard, and a good proportion of Woodland, all enclosed by a good fence; there is a beautiful Grove adjoining the tavern house, and the grounds are in good order. The Columbia rail road passes through this property, within 600 yards of the Mansion House, the Lancaster turnpike and Old Lancaster road passes in front of the tavern house. The situation is well known to be healthy, and is admirably situated for a large Boarding House or Seminary; there is a Post Office at the Tavern House, the mail from Philadelphia and Lancaster passes daily up and down. No. 2 Also, adjoining the above, a handsome and well improved farm containing about 50 acres of land in a high state of cultivation, well watered, divided into small fields with good fence; has been well limed; situate partly in Radnor aforesaid, but chiefly in Tredyffrin township, Chester county. The improvements are a large stone Dwelling Houseand Kitchen, two stories high, with piazzas front and back, a pump of good water near the door- a large stone Barn, with carriage house and wagon house under the granaries- stone spring house over a never failing spring. Also, a convenient stone Dwelling House, piazza in front, with a Kitchen and large stone Store House adjoining, all two stories high, at which an extensive business is doing, being situated on the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike and Old Road where the roads leading into the Great Valley and to Sugartown, intersect the same. It is considered one of the best of store stands. Also adjoining No. 1, a large TANNERY with about seven acres of land, most of which is highly improved. The improvements are a good two story Stone Dwelling House, two stories high, two rooms to a floor, over a never failing spring of excellent water, which supplies the Tannery with over head water, a large stone Bark House sufficiently large to hold upwards of 150 cords of bark, with grinding mill in the same - there are 31 layaway vats with handlers, bates, limes and a large water pool: a large stone Currying and Bate House, with every convenience for carrying on the business, and where a large business has always been done, being in a neighborhood where at all times, a full supply of bark may be obtained with hide and skins. There is generally about 1200 hides and skins taken in yearly at the tavern for the yard; it is generally considered the best stand in that section of the country.
Edward SiterAmerican Republican 9/18/1838 |