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A valuable Tavern Stand and Farm,
Will be sold, on Saturday, the 22d of March, on the premises, that Valuable Tavern and Farm, sign of the LAMB:- situated in Tredyffrin township, Chester County, on the Lancaster Turnpike, 15 miles from Philadelphia, at the intersection of the Valley Forge and Gulph Roads:- consisting of about 75 acres of land:- 11 acres of which are woodland, the remainder is divided into convenient fields, and is in a high degree of cultivation, with a large apple orchard, bearing fruit of a good quality:- The improvements are - a large two story stone house, with four rooms on a floor - good stone sheds and stabling, and two pumps of good water. ALSO, a two story stone dwelling, with two rooms on a floor, adjoining which is a log barn, and a pump of good water. Terms made known at the time of sale, which will be accommodating for the Purchaser. For further particulars inquire of George Rees