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Will positively be sold at public vendue on Saturday the 26th instant, on the premises, that excellent and commodious Tavern Stand, known by the sign of the Lamb, located on the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, at (or near) the 15 milestone; bounded by lands of Robert Kennedy, Alexander Findley, Samuel Priest and others; containing seventy-five acres of land. The improvements are a large and commodious two story stone house, 60 by 30 feet, occupied as an Inn, frame stabling, stone shed, two wells of excellent water with pumps therein convenient to the doors. There is also attached to said premises a tenement, with a stone house 30 by 22 feet, calculated for two families, with a well of excellent water near the door; also a log barn and frame wagon house. There are about 10 acres of excellent woodland; the remainder is arable land, in a high degree of cultivation, laid off in convenient fields with good fencing. There are 2 apple orchards of excellent fruit, besides a variety of other fruit trees. The said premises are situated partly in Easttown township, and partly in Tredyffrin township, Chester County. Persons desirous of purchasing will be shown the property by the subscriber living thereon. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock on said day, when the conditions will be made known by Jacob Klinger Village Record 12/8/1829 |