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Situated in Tredyffrin township, Chester County, about 18 miles from Philadelphia, and within 1 1/4 from the Lancaster Turnpike Road. It has a fine never failing stream of water- two run of stones and the inside work is entirely new and in complete repair. It has an overshot wheel 25 feet in diameter, has everything complete for Merchant work, and is in an excellent neighborhood for Country work. There may be attached to it at a small expense, a building to contain machines for carding Wool or Cotton or any other machinery requiring a small power. The Dwelling is comfortable for a small family, with a good stone Barn, containing Stables, Cow House, etc. The land attached to the Mill consists of between 38 and 39 acres, all of good quality, being 27 acres of Valley land and the remainder in Upland timber, consisting of Chestnut and Oak. For terms and further particulars enquire of JOHN SUCKLEY No. 16, South Fourth Street, Philadelphia Or to P. CONWAY On the premises near Howell’s Tavern C & DF 11/3/1813 |