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By Virtue of a writ to me directed, will be sold at Public Vendue, the following Real Estate, to wit:
On Friday, the 15th of January next, at one o’clock in the afternoon, at the Grist Mill on the premises - Certain Messuages, Tenements, Water Corn Mill or Grist Mill, and four tracts or parcels of land, in the township of Tredyffrin. One of them, bounded by lands of John Davis, esq., John Howell, George Norman and others, containing 18 acres and 3 quarters, more or less. One other of them, bounded by lands of John Howell, George Norman and others, containing eleven acres and a half, more or less. One other of them, containing four square perches, more or less. The other of them, bounded by lands of John Howell, John Hampton and others, containing seven acres and 127 perches, more or less - containing together 38 acres and 11 perches. On the above property is a good dwelling house, valuable Grist Mill, a Still house, and other improvements. The mill is turned by a constant stream of water. The premises are in the Great Valley, and it is principally Limestone land. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Philip Snyder. Village Record 1/13/1819 |