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For Public Sale |
Pursuant to the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Markley, deceased, there will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, at one o’clock in the afternoon of Thursday the first day of January, 1824, a valuable farm and water Corn Mill or Grist Mill, situated in Tredyffrin township, Chester County, near Howell’s Tavern, in the Great Valley, about 18 miles from Philadelphia, adjoining lands of John Howell, John Davis, esq., and others, containing altogether nearly forty acres, one half of which has thriving young timber on it, and the remainder is under Timothy and clover. The improvements are a good three story Stone Mill house with two run of stones, and all the modern machinery in good order for the making of flour. The whole has sometime since undergone a complete repairing, and now enjoys a large portion of country custom. A part of the building is fitted up and occupied as a dwelling. There is also on the premises a large frame building, occupied as a store and dwelling house, situated a few yards from the mill, in which, at this time a considerable business is done. There is likewise a good stone Barn, a new stone spring house over an excellent spring near the dwellings. A more particular description is thought unnecessary as it is presumed those who wish to purchase, either know or will view the premises previous to the sale. For the man of business this property has many advantages. For a distiller it would particularly be a desirable situation, that business having been carried on there at one time to a considerable extent, it being considered probably one of the best situations for it within 50 miles of Philadelphia. The terms will be easy, will be made known at the time of the sale. Samuel Keemle Village Record 12/17/1823 |