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Public SalePursuant to an order of the Orphan’s Court of Chester County, will be exposed to Public Sale, on Saturday, the twenty-first of September next, a certain messuage, plantation, and tract of LANDlate the property of Charles S. Thatcher, deceased, situate in the township of Tredyffrin, county of Chester, bounded by lands of Devault Beaver, Wm. Campbell, Jonathan Moore and others; containing thirty-three acres, and one hundred and forty perches, more or less. The improvements are a log house, three rooms on a floor, stone kitchen, an excellent spring of water and spring house, near the dwelling, a large stone Grist Mill,log stable. The arable lands are divided into convenient fields, and reasonably cultivated. There are about eight or ten acres of thriving Chestnut timber. Persons desirous of viewing the property will be shown the same by calling on the subscriber, living in Easttown township, or James M'Murry on the Lancaster turnpike, near the said property. ALEXANDER E. FINDLEY guardian By the court, Geo. Fisher, Clerk American Republican 8/27/1833 |