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The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on Thursday, the 12th of September next, at one o’clock, p. m., the farm on which he resides, situate in the township of Tredyffrin, and county of Chester, near Howellville; bounded by lands of Baldwin Weaver, the heirs of David Beaver, sex? John M. Davis, and others, containing sixty eight acres of farm land. The improvements are a


large stone barn, wagon house, spring house, and other necessary out buildings. The farm is well watered and fenced, the small valley creek runs through it near the door. It is in a high state of cultivation, and as productive as any in the county. There is a thriving apple orchard on it, and other fruit trees. It is thought unnecessary to say more, as any one disposed to purchase can view the premises, and judge for himself.

On the same day, will be sold a lot of improved land, situated in the vicinity of Howellville, and fronting on the Swedesford road, containing 494 perches, on which are erected two stone dwelling houses, and a stable.

Also, seven other lots adjoining the former, fronting on the Norristown and Valley rail road, on the southern side of it, containing each 240 perches of land, four of these lots are covered with heavy thriving timber; the others being improved land.

Also, two other lots, one of which is situated or lying between the Norristown and Valley rail road, and the Swedesford road, containing 160 perches of clear land, and would be a very convenient situation for a person engaged in the lumber business - The other lot fronts on the Norristown and Valley rail road, and contains 282 perches of clear land.

Also, a field of farm land, adjoining lands of Baldwin Weaver, Jesse Berdier and others, on the southern side of the Norristown and Valley rail road containing 12 acres; it is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. The whole of the above property is convenient to stores, mills and places of public worship etc. A plan of the lots offered for sale, may be seen at the residence of the subscriber.

Horatio J. Suplee
August 13, 1839

American Republican, 13th August 1839

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