12.17.1823 Village Record
TO BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, a valuable lot of land, situate in the township of Tredyffrin, Chester county, containing 14 acres and 80 perches,be the same more or less, adjoining lands of John Elliot, Robert Kennedy and others, and on the forks of the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, and Valley forge, and Radnor cross roads. The improvements consist of a goodstone dwelling house two stories high, with a large kitchen adjoining, a 2 story stone house annexed to said dwelling, a frame barn and slaughter house in good repair. The landis divided into 4 fields under good fence,a proportion whereof is good woodland. A further description of the above property is deemed unnecessary, as any person wishing to purchase, will be shewn the same by applying to Jacob Clinger, Sign of the Lamb, or to the subscriber, in Edgmont, Delaware county. RICHARD MEGOWEN. DECEMBER 17, 219.
Richard Megowen
December 17, 1823
Village Record, 17th December 1823
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/4/2022.