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ALSOWill be sold, on Monday, the second day of February, 1829, at the Paoli, the following Tracts of Land, viz: No. 1, a tract of land situate in Easttown and Tredyffrin townships, Chester county, bounded by lands of Randel Evans, Benjamin Ramsay, and the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, containing 22 acres more or less. No. 2, a tract of land, situate in Tredyffrin township, Chester County, bounded by lands of Thomas Corson, Joseph Hampton and others, containing 13 acres, more or less - handsomely timbered. No. 3, a tract of land, situate in Tredyffrin township, Chester co., bounded by lands of William Hall, William Thomas, Adam Rinewalt and others, containing 18 acres more or less. Any one wishing to view the above named lots, will please to call on the subscriber. Sale to commence at one o’clock, in the afternoon of said days, when due attendance will be given, and terms of sale made known, by John G. Bull The editors of the American Republican, and the Independent Journal, will give the above advertisement three insertions, and forward their accounts to the subscriber. Village Record, 31st December 1828 |