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12.23.1818 Village Record
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphan's Court of Chester county, wil be sold on the premises, on Saturday the 30th January next, TWO LOTS OF LAND, Late the property of DAVID MAXWELL deceased, in the township of Tredyffrin, and county of Chester. Lot No. 1. - Good limestone Land, containing twelve acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Israel Davis and others. Lot No. 2 - Wood-land, containing thirty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of George Beaver, David Rickebaugh & others. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when the conditions will be made known by ROBERT T. EVANS, WM. HARRIS, Administrators December 23, 1818. 73t
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/8/2022.