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Public SaleWill be exposed to Public Sale on Wednesday, the first day of March next, at one o’clock p. m., on the premises, the farm on which the subscriber now resides, situate in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, containing Fifty Seven Acres and forty perches of land, in a high state of cultivation with about 8 acres of first rate Woodland and three acres of well set chestnut timber, the rest arable land, divided into convenient fields, with chestnut rail fences. The improvements are a dwelling house, part stone and part log, about 23 by 30 feet, with three rooms on a floor and cellar underneath, a well of good water near the door, a stone spring house, over a never failing spring of water, log barn and frame stable, Apple Orchard, and other fruit trees. The above farm is bounded by lands of J. Hampton, Mary Moore, Atley Potter & the Lancaster road, near the 18 milestone. Also, at the same time and place a lot of three acres of land adjoining the above, with a log dwelling house. A further description is thought unnecessary, as those desirous to purchase will view for themselves. Indisputable titles will be given, and possession the first day of April next. Conditions at sale, by William Vanleer Feb. 14, 1837 American Republican, 14th February 1837 |