Public Sale
Will be sold at Public Sale, on Thursday the first of October, on the premises, a first rate
Valley Farm
situate in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, one half mile from Howellville, 18 from Philadelphia and 11 from West Chester, convenient to places of worship of different denominations, mills, etc. - bounded by lands of David Wilson, Adam Rinewalt, Adam Siter and others, containing
93 acres and 86 perches
about 5 acres of which are woodland, the remainder arable land in a good state of cultivation, under good fence, and divided into convenient fields, and well watered, the Valley Creek running through the farm.
The improvements are a large substantial
Stone Dwelling House
With four rooms and a large entry on the first floor - on the second floor there are five rooms ? entry and two garrets. Also, a large ? kitchen of stone, a large stone double-floored barn, stone spring house near the door, over a never failing spring of water; Gig house, cider house, corn crib, and other out buildings. There is also a good orchard on the premises, besides a great variety of other fruit trees.
Sale to commence at 12 o’clock, p. m. on said day, when attendance will be given and conditions made known by
Larkin Dutton
Sept. 9, 1835
American Republican 8th September 1835