Document Collection

Will Be Sold, at Public Vendue

On Saturday the 5th day of January next, on the premises, a valuable lot of land containing 4 acres be the same more or less. There is on said lot a good

Stone House

20 feet front, two stories high, cellar under the whole, also a large weaver shop adjoining the same, built of stone, with a good frame barn, and slaughter house, an excellent well of good water near the door, there is an excellent


On the same, the land is in a good state of cultivation, lately limed and well fenced in with good chestnut rails, the property is handsomely situated on the road leading from the Lamb Tavern on the Lancaster turnpike to the Valley Forge, and within a quarter of a mile of the former place, in a good neighborhood and near to school houses and houses of worship, the property is worthy the attention of the mechanic, as the situation renders it a very desirable place for public business - Any person wishing to view the same, will apply to the subscriber living thereon. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock on said day, when the conditions of sale will be made known by

Samuel Priest
Tredyffrin township, Chester Co. Dec 11, 1832

American Republican, 25th December 1832