A first rate Valley Farm, at Public Sale
Will be sold at Public Sale, on Thursday the 16th of October, A. D. 1834 at one o’clock, p. m. on the premises, the following described property, situate in the township of Tredyffrin, in the county of Chester, and state of Pennsylvania, to wit, a certain messuage and plantation or tract of land, bounded by the Swedesford road on the North, and lands of David Rickabaugh and others on the east, Randall Evans on the south, Robert T. Evans and John G. Bull on the west, containing
167 Acres
Divided into convenient fields by good fences, three hundred pannells of which are posts and rails, lately set, twenty acres of said farm is of thriving timber and ten of watered meadow. There are also thereon two hundred grafted apple trees, together with a variety of other fruit trees. The said farm is well watered by several springs, and by a little valley creek which passes through it. The buildings are a two story stone dwelling house, of good materials, well finished, 45 feet in front, by 35 in depth, with a nine foot entry on the ground floor, and five rooms on the second floor, with a good cellar under the whole. There is attached a good stone kitchen, 25 by 18 feet. The barn is of stone, well built, 70 by 40 feet, with an overshoot, and stabling under the whole, and barracks in the rear, there is a stream of water running through the barn yard. Also a stone chair house, stone hog house and stone spring house, into which the water is conveyed by earthen pipes from an excellent spring, which does not flood by heavy rains. There is also on the said premises a good lime kiln, with an inexhaustible quantity of limestone of the best quality, at which an extensive business of burning lime has been done. The above premises are well adapted for either a grain growing, grazing or dairy farm, and is situated in a respectable neighborhood, convenient to the Pennsylvania rail road, places of public worship, schools and mills. The whole will be sold together, or in lots to suit purchasers. Two thirds of purchase money may remain in the property, if desired by the purchaser, secured by bond and mortgage on the same.
Purchasers wishing to view the premises previous to the date of sale, will call on the subscriber residing thereon.
Thomas J. Maxwell
August 26, 1834
American Republican, 26th August 1834