Public Sale
Will be exposed, at Public Sale, on Thursday the 19th of December next, a first rate dairy farm, situated in the Great Valley, Tredyffrin township, Chester county, bounded by the Swedesford road, lands of Widow Howard, John Kugler, Adam Rinewalt, and others, containing
165 Acres
about twenty of which are Woodland, twenty watered meadow, and the remainder arable, lately limed, and in a high state of cultivation - the farm is under good fence, and has the Great Valley creek passing through its centre, which, with two small streams supply every field with water. The buildings are a large stone
Dwelling House
two stone barns, a wagon house, corn cribs, a chair house, spring house recently built, over a never failing spring of water, sufficiently large to hold the milk of thirty cows, and all other necessary out buildings.
The above described farm lies about two miles north of the Pennsylvania rail road, eighteen from Philadelphia, and twelve from West Chester.
Persons wishing to purchase will please to call on the subscriber living thereon.
Sale to commence at 1 o’clock p. m. When conditions will be made known.
Charles J. Davis
Nov. 19, 1833
American Republican, 19th November 1833