Document Collection

Plantation and tract of land

12.18.1827 American Republican
PURSUANT to an Order of the
Orphans' Court of Chester county, will be sold
at Public Vendue, on Saturday the 12th day of
January next, on the premises, in Tredyffrin
One undivided eighth part, being all
the right, title and interest of Cadwallader E.
Davis, late of the township aforesaid, deceased, in &
to a certain plantation and tract of land, bounded
by lands of Dr. William Harris, John Bell and
others, containing one hundred and sixty two acres,
about thirty of which are woodland; the remainder
in a good state of cultivation, having a
limekiln and quarries on the same. The buildings are
tolerably convenient, and the premises supplied
with water by a spring and run near the dwelling
house. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P.M. on
said day, and terms made know by
Joshua Jones,
Dec. 18. 6t4t

This attempted sale was not successful.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/11/2022.

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