Will be sold at Public Sale, on Wednesday the 2nd of November next, at 1 o’clock, p.m. a Dairy Farm, containing about
80 Acres
20 of which is good Woodland, (all together or in lots to suit purchasers,) situate in Easttown and Tredyffrin townships, Chester county, bounded by lands of William Kennedy, William Walley, Arlene Potter and the Lancaster turnpike, the Columbia railroad passes through this property, and it enjoys many advantages, and cannot be surpassed for healthiness of situation, the fields are small and all under good fence, in a high state of cultivation.
The improvements are a good stone
Dwelling House,
Stone Barn with a Fountain pump in the yard, stone hog house, stone spring house over a never failing spring of water. This farm is in the vicinity of various places of public worship, and convenient to schools and mills; in short there are few farms that are so convenient and handsomely situated. Any person wishing to purchase can be shown the premises by the subscriber living near the same. Conditions at sale by
John P. Vanleer
October 11, 1836
American Republican, 25th October 1836