A valuable Farm,
06.19.1822 Village Record
Pursuant to the last will of Benjamin Warner late of this City dec'd his Executors offer for sale. A Valuable Farm, And Woodland, near the Eagle Tavern Lancaster turnpike, fourteen miles from Philadelphia, containing nearly 253 acres about one third of which is well timbered. The buildings on the premises are a convenient stone dwelling house, pebble dashed, divided into seven rooms beside the kitchen and garrets - a two story stone tenement with waggon house and corn cribs attached - a frame barn, a stone work-shop two stories high, at present used as a smith shop, and a stone spring and wash-house, over a fine spring of water near the dwelling-house. The land is of a good quality - nearly the whole may be brought into clover next year. - The farm is divided into 3 ? enclosures with excellent fences. There is an orchard of about 8 acres stocked with young bearing apple trees stocked with young bearing apple trees, and of a variety of other fruit trees near the house. Being well watered, and having a large proportion of meadow, this place is peculiarily [sic] adopted for an extensive grazing farm, or may be conveniently divided into two or three handsome farms ; in which manner it will be sold if acceptable offers are received. - From its vicinity to the lime kilns, the woodland presents to the capitalist a secure and advancing investment. Possession will be given either this season, or next spring, as the purchaser may desire. The place will be shown, by application to Robert Petty, on the premises. For terms apply to JOSEPH WARNER, Acting Ex'r. No. 171, Market street, Philadelphia. 5th mo. 29, 1822. tf44
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/9/2022.