Document Collection

Limestone Land

11.10.1818 American Republican
The subscriber offers for sale 55
acres of excellent LIMESTONE LAND, in
the Great Valley, Tredyffrin township, Chester
county, adjoining lands of John Phillips,
John Garber and others, there is on said
premises a two story stone house, stone barn and
spring house; and other out buildings; two
mill seats, with 20 feet head and fall ; at one is
erected a large fulling mill, now out of repair.
There is a constant supply of water in the
dryest [sic] time ; being supplied with large springs,
it never freezes in the winter season. There
is 20 acres of woodland, and the arable land is
in a good state of cultivation, and divided into
small fields, well set with clover, and water
in each field. Any person wishing to
purchase, may know the terms by applying to the
subscriber, living a mile and half north west
of the premises
Thos. Bodley.
Nov. 4, 1818. iv-31.
N.B. - The subscriber has several LIMESTONE
QUARRIES, of the best quality for

This property included the Clintonville Mill which was later converted into a paper mill (see The Clintonville-Tredyffrin Paper Mill 1834-1848 by Arthur E. James, TE Quarterly, vol. 34, #2, April 1996). Also see the Philip Howell Patent - Clintonville Mill for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/8/2022.

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