Estate of Dr. John Davis
09.23.1818 Village Record
At an Orphan's Court held and kept at West
chester, for the county of Chester, the
13th day of August, A.D. 1818, before the
honourable JOHN ROSS, and his
associates Judges present.
UPON the petition of Enoch Davis,
one of the sons of doctor John Davis,
late of the township of Tredyffrin in
the said county, deceased.
Rule upon all the heirs and other
persons interested in the estate of the
said doctor John Davis, deceased, to
shew cause on the first day of the
next regular session of this Court, to
wit, on the first Monday of November
next, why lot No. 2, part of the real
estate of said deceased containing one
hundred and sixty-two acres and three
quarters, bounded by lands of Levi
John, lands late of Benjamin Davis,
deceased and others, with the
appurtenances (valued at the sum of fifteen
thousand nine hundred and forty-nine
dollars and fifty cents) should not be
sold agreeably to the provisions and
directions of the act of General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, passed the 2d of April, 1804.
From the Record,
Sept. 23. 60-4t
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/6/2022.
