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A Valley Lot for Sale
12.23.1818 Village Record
Will be exposed at Public Sale, January 16th 1819, at the premises A LOT OF LAND, Situate in the township of Tredyffrin, Chester County, bounded by the Sweedsford[sic][Swedesford] road and land of John G. Bull and Samuel Jones- containing FIVE ACRES and 25 PERCHES. There is on said lot a stone dwelling house, a log stable, a well of good water near the door-sixty grafted apple trees, and other fruit trees, and is an excellent stand for a Mechanick[sic] [Mechanic]. This lot is all valley land of the first quality, and in a good neighbourhood, at convenient distances from different places of publick [sic] worship, schools and mills. Sale to begin at 2 o'clock. Terms will be made known on day of sale by ISRAEL DAVIS, JOHN ROBERTS. Dec. 23, 1818. 4t7S
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/8/2022.