Document Collection

Public Sale

Will be sold at Public Sale, on Saturday the 25th of January 1834, on the premises, a small farm, containing 17 acres, in the township of Tredyffrin, adjoining lands of David Reece, William Vanleer, and others. The improvements are a new Stone house, frame stabling, a well of good water convenient to the dwelling; there is a small portion of


the fields are conveniently divided and well fenced and a young thriving apple orchard; the above property is publicly situated about one fourth of a mile north of the Pennsylvania rail road and 16 miles from Philadelphia, and would suit well for a mechanic, the cabinet business having been carried on for a number of years on said place. - Persons wishing to purchase the property will please call on Dr. J. W. Reece, residing near the premises, or the subscriber No. 113 Vine Street, Philadelphia. Sale at one o’clock, p. m. - Terms of sale made easy for the purchaser.

Mary Moore
January 14, 1834

American Republican, 14th January 1834

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