Document Collection

A valuable plantation and Tract of Land,

11.02.1819 American Republican
Pursuant to the last Will and Testament of
Samuel Davis, late of Willistown township,
Chester county, deceased,
Will be exposed to public sale,
on Thursday the 25th of November next, on
the premises, a valuable plantation, and tract
of land, situate in the Great Valley Tredyffrin
township, Chester county, containing one
hundred and four and a half acres of the best
quality of limestone land - adjoining lands of
Jacob Longacre, James Sloan, John Miller
and others, - there is a good proportion of
woodland, and sufficiency of meadow, watered
by the Valley Creek, the arable land is divided
into convenient fields - the land is peculiarly [sic] [particularly]
well adapted to the raising of every kind
of grain, the whole of it having a gentle
southern aspect. The buildings are two, two
story stone houses - the mansion is large and
commodious, - a large barn, mil house,
grainery, waggon-house and hog-house, all
substantially built of stone, - cyder works and
frame smith shop. The property is in a good
neighborhood, convenient to mills and places
of worship, and within one and a half miles of
the Philadephia [sic] [Philadelphia] and Lancaster turnpike road.
Any person wishing to view the property will
apply to Seneca Radcliff on the premises, or
to eithger of the subscribers.
AND on Friday the 26th day of November
next, will be offered at public sale, a
plantation or parcel of land, situate in Willistown,
Chester county, within one quarter of a
mile of the Philadelphia and Lancaster
turnpike road, and adjoining lands of Walter
Kerr, Charles Fahnestock and others,
containing fifty-five acres, twenty acres of which
is of the best quality of wood-land, a proportionable
part meadow the remainder divided
into smalll enclosures ; the buildings are a two
story stone house, with two and three rooms
on a floor, and cellar under, an excellent
spring over it, near to the dwelling - a barn
part stone and part frame, a good orchard of
apple and other fruit trees. Any person will
be shewn the premises by applying to Hugh
M'Clasky, living thereon, or to either of the
John G. Bull,
Joshua Evans,
Ex'rs. [Executors].
Oct. 28, 1819. 16-wts

This is the Gronow - Andrews property on the south side of Yellow Springs Road. See the Table F.2 Gronow – Andrews Property for the deed history. In 1818 and 1819 Samuel Davis placed 5 newspaper advertisements to sell this farm. This last advertisement was successful.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/8/2022.

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