Biographical details of George Washington Lewis II (1840 - 1907)
G8-477 West Goshen, 1873, 4,972 ft2 (no location for GWL)
H9-337 West Goshen, 1881, 3,000 ft2 (GWL of West Goshen)
Y9-194 West Chester, 1884, 1,526 ft2; sold by K10-328, 1888
O13-473 West Goshen, 1886, 1,000 ft2 (next to other property)
?Tax return Occupier, Willistown, 1885
No deed found in Malvern
G. W. Lewis, Atlas Malvern, 1897
Tax return Occupier, Malvern, 1890
Died West Goshen 1895 (no will)
Atlas Malvern, 1900 no names given
S13-537 West Pikeland, 1910 (sale) (GWL III?)
With parents
1850 George W. Lewis 9
1860 J. W. Lewis 20
1870 Jules W. Lewis 30
