150 acres of Land valuable plantation
10.11.1822 American Republican
AGREEABLY to the last Will and Testament of Enoch Jones, lately deceased. Will be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, on the 15th day of November next, at 2 o'clock P.M. A VALUABLE PLANTATION, containing about 150 acres of Land, situate in the great Valley, in Tredyffren [Tredyffrin] township, Chester county, bounded by lands of David Rees, Joshua Jones, Esq. James Jones and others, and one Mile north of the Lancaster Turnpike road, 16 Miles from Philadelphia, 14 from West-Chester, and 6 from Norristown, 30 acres of which is Woodland, 10 acres of watered Meadow, and the rest divided into small fields, well fenced with Chesnut rails, well watered, and a stream running near the door ; a Limestone Quarry on the premises, of which large quantities may be disposed of -- The lands are in a good state of cultivation, has been lately limed, is principally under a good sod. The improvements are a large 2 story Stone house, with 4 rooms on a floor, a large entry - Cellar under the whole and Kitchen adjoining the same, a large Barn, stone waggon house, stone spring house over a never failing spring of good water, with other out buildings, all in good repair: - Also a Tenant house, 2 stories high. This Property is beautifully situated in a good neighborhood, near to houses of Worship, within half a mile of the Baptist Meeting, and 1 1/2 miles of the Friends Meeting, and convenient to Mills. This Farm is worth the attention of the Agriculterist. It is one of the first rate dairy farms. The deceased carried it on for many years to great advantage - the Title indisputable. It is deemed unnecessary to give a further description, as it is presumed it will be viewed by many who wish to purchase. ALSO -- On the same day, and at the same place, will be sold several valuable WOOD lots of Chesnut timber. For further information enquire of either of the subscribers, or to Spicer Jones on the premises, who will shew the same. DAVID BEAVER, EDWARD SITER, Executors. Oct. 11th, 1822.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/9/2022.
