Marien Barrack Washington DC December 23, 1861
Dear Brother
I again take up my pen to scratch another letter to you in answer to the one that you wrote to me witch (which) I received this morning (Monday). I was very glad to hear from you. You may bet fore I thought you did not intend to answer my letters. But what made me think so I can’t say. I am well at present except a light cold which did not to amount to much in the long run. If this reaches you I hope that it will find you all enjoying good health and a Merry Christmas.
We don’t expect to have any Christmas in here. That's out of the question for we have to drill three times a day so that we can become perfect in drill and me being green makes it harder for me to learn. You know I am pretty dumb having never handle the musket. Anyhow. That’s so. Men are in great demand. As soon as they are drilled they are sent to see. They put them right through one week in a class to learn the marching and firings and one week to learn the Manual of arms. Then they are turned over for duty in two weeks time to put the whole duties of a soldier in your head. Sharp work I tell you.
I will have to put a stop to my writing for today for it is almost drill time. Although it is raining like fury we have to drill but not in the rain on the battery wich(which) is roofed in. So I will dry up. (Hey: Jump on old boy he’ll give you ride)
Now for it again. A little more time to spare to try to finish this letter but I don’t know whether I will succeed or not. Tell you better after a while but to the best of my knowledge I will try. I am Right Side up with care (until) (able) for my allowances that’s as much as any one can say. Right smart for color this morning. We have to turn out for drill as soon as daylight begins to make its appearances. That is at quarter past 6 o’clock. Pretty cold work to stand for one hour and not move a muscle let alone a leg except the arms is alone is used in the musket drill. Pretty cold feet is the consequences of the drill.
There is no news in those parts. So I won’t to tell you any at present. So you will have to read the papers for the news for the present. Have you eat all the chestnuts yet? I recon not. Done picking them I know. Still catching rabbits I recon. Got about a dozen by this time. Time you had any how.
I am not going to write a letter a yard long for it will take you too long to read it. This cold whether(weather) you say it ain’t cold up there where you live? I know it ain’t wont to say for certain though maybe it is cold and maybe it ain’t. You recon if you don’t I don’t know who does. That’s honest as the man said when he stole the you know what ...
Plenty of pens and paper but no time and if time was plenty I would be too lazy to write so I will stop.
So no more at present from your servant
George W Lewis
To TS Lewis
