Marien Barracks ``````````Washington DC January 7, 1862
Take notice of the girl with the flag. Very nice ain’t she. You can have her if you want her and if you don't that’s non of my business. Nary pox.
Dear brother, I received your letter of the 1,2,3,4,5,6,or 7 or something els(else). I forgot wich (which) but that nether hear nor there. So that I received it thats enough for you to know at a time. I was very glad to hear from home that you are all well at home. I am right smart at present in pretty good spirits. I don’t mean whiskey. I have a slight cold that hangs to me pretty well. If this reaches you I hope it will find you all well, Them my sentiments. Them is my sentiments.
7 mor men left this morning for Philadelphia but I was not one of them. I was out on the town yesterday. Such a town (Washington, DC) you’ve never seen. It is a town of farms. A dirty mean hole it is. But plenty fine people in it. Plenty of soldiers at present go down to Pennsylvania Avenue and you have to sling off your arm saluting officers for if you don’t salute them you are arrested and put in the Lock Up for a while to learn your duty as a soldier. Such a country you never seen.
Serves the second part first
Going to make moccasins. Are you want to know what I think about it. Well I think it would be a fat? moccasin that you would make. Well I reckon so. You have your own choice though as I am too far away to tell you all my opinions about it. If you make any. Make some pretty big ones for I see some big feet about town. About 17 inches and a half long. Right smart for feet that; You needn’t believe all that I tell you. You needn’t believe anything for that matter.
I am a police man today. Have a barl (barrel) of taters to skin to make sliced for breakfast. The slice is made of all the dirt they can rake(Rocke) up about the cookhouse. Made into a paste; that’s another thickened with taters.
We have a little snow on the ground at present. It is pretty cold too for the first time but we will soon get used to it. Fine luck for young chickens.
We talk of going to Bull Run pretty soon. I think I would rather stay away from such a fine run. It won’t pay much. I don’t know it may pay better this time. You say Bob is still in the Potomac and that he thinks they are in troop. I know they were long ago that they were afraid to attempt to run the blockade for the rebels are pretty thick.
Well I think I will stop for I am tired of this dragging a Shiver to make marks. If you must take care of your self and don’t lose yourself. Give best respect to all inquiring friends and go to yours.
From your humble servant in haste
GW Lewis for
Tom L Lewis Write (Wright) soon have to want in gratitude